New in 2019: Paperless Retainers

By now, most Skyer Law client families should have received an email asking you to review and electronically sign your 2019-20 retainers. (If you haven’t, it’s coming soon!) This year, we are moving from paper to electronic retainers to reduce waste and more efficiently serve our clients.

Some of our clients have contacted us with issues signing their retainer.  If your name is not at the bottom of the document where you are supposed to sign, or if you only see the second parent’s name, simply click on the blank and type yours in or click on the other person’s name, delete it, and type yours in.

As long as you use your unique link, it will all be merged properly in the final signed document. 

We apologize for the technical glitches as we adopt this new paperless system. Please email Ben Foley in our office if you have further questions.